Wearing: The HARPER Top
Hello again,
I'm so glad to see you've found your way to this space. A place where we discuss everything slow fashion, sustainablity, mindful consumption and more!
Today I wanted to talk about why crochet is a great example of a slow, sustainable approach to fashion and how Sunkissed the Label advocates for slow fashion through the use of this meticulous craft.
Crochet is an art form only capable by hand, there is no genuine crochet machine. This means that whenever you’re buying a genuine crochet piece, you know it was made by someone with their own two hands.
Now with that in mind, consider the price tag you often see on crochet pieces, does it account for this fact? Often the answer is no. With many cheap, low quality crochet garments entering the fast fashion market, the expectation for crochet to be cheap and mass produced is becoming increasingly popular. Yet despite the low price tag, these garments are still made by hand*, someone is just not getting compensated fairly for their work.
*Keep in mind, whilst all genuine crochet is done by hand, knitting machines can similarly produce a stitch that is often sold as "crochet", so just be aware to look out for this
When you are buying crochet, it is so important you support artists and brands with transparent supply chains and who are open about who is making their pieces and why they are given the price tag they are. Once again, it comes down to supporting quality over quantity. Investing in timeless garmnets that are of a high quality and are made to last. This is the basis of supporting sustainable, ethical slow fashion.
Another great thing about crochet, and something we advocate for here at Sunkissed the Label, is the ability to minimise wastage or even cut it out completely.
With every garment made, there’s going to be little off cuts and leftover pieces of yarn. Crochet is overall a very low wastage art form as you only use exactly what is needed, from a ball of yarn to a bikini or jumper, only what is required is used. When it comes to the offcuts and leftovers, what we do here, is save all of these pieces and use them in future projects. That could be as stuffing or filling or any other creative ways we can think of to reuse our leftovers. This contributes to that idea of minimal to zero waste in all aspects of production- another key principle of slow fashion.
This is just a brief explanation of how the meticulous art of crochet aligns with slow fashion values and contributes to the movements emphasis on quality, transparency, durability and mindful consumption.
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If you have any questions or something you'd like us to talk about in another Slow Sunday, please reach out, I'd love to chat!
Love from,
Sunkissed the Label x